Challenge & The Outdoors with Kym Scott
Challenge & The Outdoors with Kym Scott
13:00-17:30 06/05/20
Playology Beach School & Learning Studio invites you to this unique, practical & informative day which will equip you with ideas & resources to look at outdoor learning through a child’s eyes.
We will cover resourcing, planning and delivery, learning and development as well as language & questioning when challenging children outdoors.
£50 13:00-15:30
In this captivating session, Kym Scott will take you on a journey through the concept of challenge in learning, and how this can be applied when developing rich and stimulating outdoor provision which encourages children to challenge themselves.
Playology Beach School & Learning Studio encapsulates true hands on, feet in learning. Led by Hannah, this ‘hands on, feet in’ workshop will support practitioners with ways in which to embrace nature and all its challenge, as well as practical ways to develop children’s resilience, independence and positive view of themselves as learners. We will look at the fundamentals of challenge outdoors, and how best to strike a balance.
Developing confident and competent mark-makers and writers in the EYFS
£25 16:00-17:30
Learn how to support young children’s early compositional & transcriptional skills, in developmentally appropriate ways.
Explore the developmental stages of mark-making and writing, and how to build upon these.
Receive a framework to take away, that will support teaching & assessment in this area.
Understand how adults can sensitively shape children’s early writing skills through high quality interactions in their everyday play experiences.
Consider the types of mark making and writing experiences that inspire children versus those that may discourage them.
Learn tried and tested strategies for supporting reluctant writers and for extending more confident writers.
More about course leader: Kym Scott
Before becoming an international speaker and consultant, Kym was Early Years Lead in the London Borough of Lewisham. This enabled her to support many schools & settings in a variety of circumstances & to informally research the key elements that make for excellent outcomes for children. Lewisham has been named as one of the top places in the country for children's development due to how well children in the borough consistently achieve at the end of the EYFS. Kym is frequently praised for her clear, realistic & highly practical advice, & for the impact she makes on the practice of those she works with.
This session is aimed at all who work with children aged 3years to the end of YR. It will also be useful to those leading on literacy in schools and those working in Year 1 who wish to improve outcomes for children operating below typical development in this area.