benefits of Forest school


set in ancient woodland

Children immerse themselves in nature, amid the picturesque nature reserve teeming with lush woodlands, enchanting waterfalls, and an array of diverse wildlife.

linking learning to living

Research has shown that children who spend time in nature experience numerous benefits, including improved physical health, enhanced cognitive development, increased creativity, and reduced stress and anxiety levels.

forest skills

Children who learn forest skills can identify plants, build shelters, and navigate dense foliage. Forest school has many benefits for children. Firstly, it lets them connect with the environment, which sparks curiosity and love for nature. It also encourages physical activity like play, climbing, and exploring, which improves motor skills and health. Forest school activities are open-ended, fostering creativity and problem-solving as children adapt to the outdoor environment. Lastly, forest school helps children develop socially by collaborating, communicating, negotiating, and building resilience. This approach to learning motivates and empowers children, fostering a lifelong love for learning and respect for the environment.