Playful Explorers are invited to join us for an experience that encourages your toddler/pre-schooler to ignite their imagination, inspire curiosity, promote communication & collaboration, and overall grow their creative confidence.
During our class, we also have some song & rhyme time, an interactive story and or any other relevant discussions from little sparks of learning that arise.
Don't miss this chance to bond with your toddler/pre-schooler and for them to socialise with other children of the same age.
Playful Explorers is a 5 week Programme - a series of 5 visits to Playology Creative Learning Studio
Duration of classes is 1h
Mondays: Sept 21st, 28th, Oct 5th, 12th, 19th
Tuesdays: Sept 22nd, 29th, Oct 6th, 13th, 20th
Thursdays: Sept 24th, Oct 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Fridays: Sept 25th, Oct 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd
From age 3 - children can be dropped off for this class if comfortable and toileting independently